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UPDATE: American Apparel – What’s Going On?

american apprel update

American Apparel Update

Update time! We have been given a bit more information about the direction Gildan plans to take for American Apparel. If you haven't heard about Gildan's acquisition of American Apparel, you can read all about in our previous post.

The short explanation of the situation is that American Apparel filed for bankruptcy, and Gildan, a Canadian based apparel company, bought them out. We were all left a bit in the dark about Gildan's intentions for the Los Angeles based company. Production halted and the apparel world was all left wondering what would happen to the staple American Made clothing brand.

We Have News!

Gildan released a statement regarding their intent for the American Apparel brand. Currently all production of American Apparel products are on hold, but it won't be that way for long! Gildan has expressed interest in continuing to produce some of the American Apparel line within the United States. Essentially they want to carry on with the brand, and to do so successfully, they cannot alienate the customer base that values offering or owning products made in America. It is AMERICAN apparel after all! With that being said, it sounds like they are only planning to manufacture some American Apparel items within the United States. They will also be adding a line of apparel items under the American Apparel brand that will be manufactured outside of the United States to provide customers with more budget-friendly options. This may be great news to some of you, and not so great news to others.

What Are We Up To?

As soon as production resumes, we will be re-adding American Apparel items to our product offerings. At this time we do not have an exact time line for when they will resume production, but their website suggests it will be sometime during summer of this year (2017). We will be sure to announce to everyone via our social media, newsletters, and website when the items are back and available to be ordered and added back into stores.

What's Next?

We've got something exciting in the works that we think will make everyone very happy! We've researched lots of brands, and have found one we are excited to partner up with. They offer not only a 100%  American-made line, but also offer many organic and Eco-friendly options! While our American Apparel items may make a come back, we are excited to have a new permanent line in the works.


If you have any questions about American Apparel, please let us know! We will have more information out about our new product launch soon, so stay tuned!

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