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API Error Codes

Error Code Method Message
1 General Authentication Failure - Please check your API Key & API Hash at http:/www.printaura.com/seller-api
2 getpricing You must set variable front_print or back_print, both can be set as well.
3 getpricing product_id must be set, please use method listproducts to retrieve all products provided by Printaura.
4 getpricing color_id must be set, please use method listcolors to retrieve all colors provided by Printaura.
5 getpricing brand_id must be set, please use method listbrands to retrieve all brands provided by Printaura.
6 getpricing size_id must be set, please use method listsizes to retrieve all sizes provided by Printaura.
7 getpricing shipping_id must be set, please use method listshipping to retrieve all shipping methods provided by Printaura.
8 getpricing Product cannot be found - Please use method listproducts to list all products provided by Printaura.
9 getpricing Selected product is not valid for the selected brand, please use method listproducts to retrieve details for all products provided by Printaura.
10 getpricing Color cannot be found - Please use method listcolors to list all colors provided by Printaura.
11 getpricing Shipping method cannot be found - Please use method listshipping to list all shipping methods provided by Printaura.
12 getpricing Selected product is not avaialble in the selected color, Please use method listproducts to retrieve full details about each product.
13 getpricing Selected product is not available in the selected size, Please use method listproducts to retrieve full details about each product.
14 getpricing Brand cannot be found - Please use method listbrands to list all brands provided by Printaura.
15 getpricing Size cannot be found - Please use method listsizes to list all sizes provided by Printaura.
16 getpricing You must POST the image to the API.
17 getpricing Could not upload your image due to a problem on our side - Please contact us to solve the problem
18 getpricing Could not upload your image due to a problem on our side - Please contact us to solve the problem - Mentioning Error Code 18
19 addorder You cannot place an order without items, Please fill the items array with all the required information.
20 addorder Business name must be set.
21 addorder Business contact must be set.
22 addorder Your Email must be set.
23 addorder your_order_id must be set.
24 addorder returnlabel must be set.
25 addorder shippingaddress must be set.
26 addorder customerphone must be set.
27 addorder shipping_id must be set.
28 addorder You must set variable front_print or back_print, both can be set as well.
29 addorder product_id must be set, please use method listproducts to retrieve all products provided by Printaura.
29 addorder product_id must be set, please use method listproducts to retrieve all products provided by Printaura.
30 addorder color_id must be set, please use method listcolors to retrieve all colors provided by Printaura.
31 addorder brand_id must be set, please use method listbrands to retrieve all brands provided by Printaura.
32 addorder size_id must be set, please use method listsizes to retrieve all sizes provided by Printaura.
33 addorder Product cannot be found - Please use method listproducts to list all products provided by Printaura.
34 addorder Selected product is not valid for the selected brand, please use method listproducts to retrieve details for all products provided by Printaura.
35 addorder Color cannot be found - Please use method listcolors to list all colors provided by Printaura.
36 addorder Shipping method cannot be found - Please use method listshipping to list all shipping methods provided by Printaura.
37 addorder Selected product is not avaialble in the selected color, Please use method listproducts to retrieve full details about each product.
38 addorder Selected product is not available in the selected size, Please use method listproducts to retrieve full details about each product.
39 addorder Brand cannot be found - Please use method listbrands to list all brands provided by Printaura.
40 addorder Size cannot be found - Please use method listsizes to list all sizes provided by Printaura.
41 addorder Not a VALID image_id for front_print - Please use method listmyimages to list all the images uploaded to your account, you may use method uploadimage to upload a new image.
42 addorder Selected IMAGE for front_print does not belong to this seller account. Please use method listmyimages to list all the images uploaded to your account, you may use method uploadimage to upload a new image.
43 addorder Not a VALID image_id for front_mockup - Please use method listmyimages to list all the images uploaded to your account, you may use method uploadimage to upload a new image.
44 addorder Selected IMAGE for front_mockup does not belong to this seller account. Please use method listmyimages to list all the images uploaded to your account, you may use method uploadimage to upload a new image.
45 addorder Not a VALID image_id for back_print - Please use method listmyimages to list all the images uploaded to your account, you may use method uploadimage to upload a new image.
46 addorder Selected IMAGE for back_print does not belong to this seller account. Please use method listmyimages to list all the images uploaded to your account, you may use method uploadimage to upload a new image.
47 addorder Not a VALID image_id for back_mockup - Please use method listmyimages to list all the images uploaded to your account, you may use method uploadimage to upload a new image.
48 addorder Selected IMAGE for back_mockup does not belong to this seller account. Please use method listmyimages to list all the images uploaded to your account, you may use method uploadimage to upload a new image.
49 updateorder order_id must be set, please use method listorders to retrieve all orders under your seller account.
50 updateorder Wrong order_id. Please use method listorders to retrieve all orders under your seller account.
51 updateorder This order does not belong to your seller account. Please use method listorders to retrieve all orders under your seller account.
52 addproduct You cannot create a product without selecting Colors, Please fill the colors array with all the required information.
53 addproduct You cannot create a product without selecting Colors, Please fill the colors array with all the required information.
54 addproduct product_id must be set, please use method listproducts to retrieve all products provided by Printaura.
55 addproduct brand_id must be set, please use method listbrands to retrieve all brands provided by Printaura.
56 addproduct sku must be set.
57 addproduct title must be set.
58 addproduct description must be set.
59 addproduct You must set variable front_print or back_print, both can be set as well.
60 addproduct Product cannot be found - Please use method listproducts to list all products provided by Printaura.
61 addproduct Selected product is not valid for the selected brand, please use method listproducts to retrieve details for all products provided by Printaura.
62 addproduct Color cannot be found - Please use method listcolors to list all colors provided by Printaura.
63 addproduct Selected product is not avaialble in the selected color, Please use method listproducts to retrieve full details about each product.
64 addproduct Not a VALID image_id for front_print - Please use method listmyimages to list all the images uploaded to your account, you may use method uploadimage to upload a new image.
65 addproduct Selected IMAGE for front_print does not belong to this seller account. Please use method listmyimages to list all the images uploaded to your account, you may use method uploadimage to upload a new image.
66 addproduct Not a VALID image_id for front_mockup - Please use method listmyimages to list all the images uploaded to your account, you may use method uploadimage to upload a new image.
67 addproduct Selected IMAGE for front_mockup does not belong to this seller account. Please use method listmyimages to list all the images uploaded to your account, you may use method uploadimage to upload a new image.
68 addproduct Not a VALID image_id for back_print - Please use method listmyimages to list all the images uploaded to your account, you may use method uploadimage to upload a new image.
69 addproduct Selected IMAGE for back_print does not belong to this seller account. Please use method listmyimages to list all the images uploaded to your account, you may use method uploadimage to upload a new image.
70 addproduct Not a VALID image_id for back_mockup - Please use method listmyimages to list all the images uploaded to your account, you may use method uploadimage to upload a new image.
71 addproduct Selected IMAGE for back_mockup does not belong to this seller account. Please use method listmyimages to list all the images uploaded to your account, you may use method uploadimage to upload a new image.
72 addproduct storeimages must be an array of valid image_id's.
73 addproduct image_id must be set for all images in storeimages array.
74 addproduct Not a VALID image_id for storeimages - Please use method listmyimages to list all the images uploaded to your account, you may use method uploadimage to upload a new image.
75 addproduct Selected IMAGE for storeimages does not belong to this seller account. Please use method listmyimages to list all the images uploaded to your account, you may use method uploadimage to upload a new image.
76 addproduct Apps must be an array of valid app_id's retrieved using method viewapps.
77 addproduct Apps must be an array of valid app_id's retrieved using method viewapps.
78 addproduct You have selected this product to be activated in Shopify however not all custom parameters required for Shopify has been sent. You can retrieve these using method viewapps.
79 addproduct You have selected this product to be activated in Shopify however not all custom parameters required for Shopify has been sent. You can retrieve these using method viewapps.
80 addproduct You have selected this product to be activated in Shopify however not all custom parameters required for Shopify has been sent. You can retrieve these using method viewapps.
81 addproduct You have selected this product to be activated in Shopify however You do not have a Shopify shop currently active. Please install Printaura's Shopify APP by visiting https://printaura.com/shopify.
82 addproduct You have selected this product to be activated in Storenvy however not all custom parameters required for Storenvy has been sent. You can retrieve these using method viewapps.
83 addproduct You have selected this product to be activated in Storenvy however You do not have a Storenvy shop currently active. Please install Printaura's Storenvy APP by visiting https://printaura.com/storenvy.
84 viewproducts Selected Printaura Product does not exist.
85 viewproducts You currently have no Printaura Products, You may create new products by using method addproduct.
86 deleteproduct paproduct_id must be set, please use method viewproducts to retrieve all your current active Printaura Products.
87 deleteproduct Not a valid paproduct_id, please use method viewproducts to retrieve all your current active Printaura Products.
88 uninstallapp app_id must be set, please use method viewapps to retrieve all your current APPs.
89 uninstallapp You currently do not have a shopify shop active, please use method viewapps to retrieve all your current APPs.
90 uninstallapp You currently do not have a storenvy shop active, please use method viewapps to retrieve all your current APPs.
91 uninstallapp app_id is not valid, please use method viewapps to retrieve all current APPs provided by Printaura.
92 downloadimage Requested Image cannot be found or does not belong to this seller account. Please try again.