Is Your Product Page Costing You Sales?
Have your sales been a little low lately? Your product page could be to blame. The way you present your products can have a massive impact on your sales. In the world of online shopping, it’s all about looks! Your page design, product photography, and content need to be on point. If you aren't sure
5 Tips For Creating A Successful Product Page
We put together a list of tips to help you create a great product page that sells your products for you. If you already have product pages created, take a look at this list, and review your pages. All of the elements discussed below are essential for a successful product page. How you choose to implement them is up to you, but you should at least be considering them.
1. Use Descriptive Product Names
Find a way to sum up your product in a few words. The more descriptive you can be, the easier it will be for people to find you. Don’t get carried away though. Make sure you keep your product name concise. Ask yourself, “if I was looking for this product, what would I type into google to find it?”. The answer to that question is usually a good place to start for naming your product.
2. Use Good Imagery
I cannot begin to explain just how important good product photography is. Product images can really make or break your chances of a sale. When you think about it, the images of your product are your strongest selling point. We are visual creatures and when we shop online the product photos are all we have to go off of. I recommend taking multiple photos of each product, and doing research about proper product photography before you start snapping off photos with your smartphone. Here are a few great guides to help you get started:
How to Capture High Quality Product Photos With Your SmartPhone
DIY Product Photography Tips: How to Easily (And Affordably) Capture Beautiful Product Photos
3. Create A Good Product Description
Creating a description for your product can be challenging. Your first sentence should introduce your product in a way that will catch your customer’s attention and draw them in. Your next sentences should describe the product in a way that allows the customer to imagine themselves with the product. Tie in an experience or make the description into a story featuring your customer. And lastly, we need to remember the essentials! Think about what’s important for people to know about this product.
For example, let’s say I am selling a women's fitness t-shirt. I would want my first sentence to be something like “We’ve got your fitness inspiration right here! Run faster, lift more, and sweat harder knowing you look amazing in our fitness tee. Perfect for the gym, the trails, the track, the beach, or just hanging out at home. Our fitness tee is made of a 2-way stretch material that allows you to move freely and comfortable. With UV protection and moisture wicking fabrics, you will have nothing to worry about besides dominating your workout.” Now the customer is imagining themselves at the gym or running, in the t-shirt. Meanwhile, we have explained some of the selling features many people ask about.
4. Clean And Clear Design
The layout and design of your product page is just as important as the product itself. A cluttered, outdated, or hard to navigate product page can send customers running in the other direction. If you want your product to sell, you need to make it easy for people to find, to navigate, and to buy. Having well organized information, clear pricing, and a clear call to action (buy / add to cart button) are all essential elements to a great product page. It also doesn’t hurt to make sure your product page looks current and well-designed.
5. Build Customer Confidence
Displaying reviews is a great way to build trust and confidence in your products. If you aren’t comfortable with the unpredictability of reviews, you can display any certifications or badges you have to show that you are a trusted online store. You can also mention your return policy on your product pages, especially if you offer a satisfaction guarantee.