Printaura - App Options

This plugin is designed to allow you to sell products such as t-shirts and other products and have them automatically printed/shipped on demand by Printaura with no minimum order. To view more about the Printaura Woocommerce app and how it works please visit Remember to enable legacy REST API webhooks

See the webhooks section in Need Help if your orders aren't showing up in Printaura. To reattempt an order push set the order to on-hold then back to Processing.

Need Help

For additional assistance E-mail Support

Setup Steps

Server Settings

To make sure the app is working correctly and images will display in your store please check the settings below:

File Size Limit

In order to upload your files you need to make sure that your server is set to allow uploads of a certain size. That number will be your limitation of mockup images you can use. To update your upload size please view our tutorial on changing upload limits.
Current MAX upload file size: [MAX_UPLOAD] MB

File Permissions

We need to make sure that we can upload your mockup images to display in your store.


API Settings

Plugin does not currently have configurable settings.